Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously together, until their relationship fractured, causing them to split their joint ranch into two. Feisty and competitive heir to homegrown operated Cabella Oil, Nicole Cabella is determined to prove she's ready to take the reins of her family's business. And she's all set to initiate a renovation plan that will allow her to expand Cabella to the next level. All set, until Jake Brandini re-appears in Sunset Valley, that is. Corporate attorney Jake is sidetracked from his day-job when he's called back to the juggernaut Brandini ranch due to a family emergency. While there, Jake identifies a land dispute at the border between the Cabella and Brandini properties. Having been neglectful to his own family company, he decides to win back the land for them. In doing so, he re-ignites the rivalry between both factions, as Nicole refuses to concede to his claim on the land. Instead of pursuing a long and costly court battle, the local Sunset Valley judge proposes an unconventional manner of deciding the land's ownership: whichever ranch wins the annual Sunset Valley Olive Oil Competition wins the land. The Brandini's have won three consecutive years, so Jake is confident in accepting the challenge, though he personally has no experience manufacturing oil. On the other hand, Nicole has oil in her blood, but she'll have to conquer her own self-doubt if she wants to be victorious. As Jake and Nicole work towards creating their respective olive oil submissions, while enjoying the annual Fall Festival as they do, they discover they may have more in common than they realized - and sparks begin to fly.

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在你心尖上起舞 BD1080P英语中字

1.0 很差

分类:爱情片 加拿大 2021











演员:托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond

更新时间:2022-11-13 02:37


 Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously together, until their relationship fractured, causing them to split their joint ranch into two. Feisty and competitive heir to homegrown operated Cabella Oil, Nicole Cabella is determined to prove she's ready to take the reins of her family's business. And she's all set to initiate a renovation plan that will allow her to expand Cabella to the next level. All set, until Jake Brandini re-appears in Sunset Valley, that is. Corporate attorney Jake is sidetracked from his day-job when he's called back to the juggernaut Brandini ranch due to a family emergency. While there, Jake identifies a land dispute at the border between the Cabella and Brandini properties. Having been neglectful to his own family company, he decides to win back the land for them. In doing so, he re-ignites the rivalry between both factions, as Nicole refuses to concede to his claim on the land. Instead of pursuing a long and costly court battle, the local Sunset Valley judge proposes an unconventional manner of deciding the land's ownership: whichever ranch wins the annual Sunset Valley Olive Oil Competition wins the land. The Brandini's have won three consecutive years, so Jake is confident in accepting the challenge, though he personally has no experience manufacturing oil. On the other hand, Nicole has oil in her blood, but she'll have to conquer her own self-doubt if she wants to be victorious. As Jake and Nicole work towards creating their respective olive oil submissions, while enjoying the annual Fall Festival as they do, they discover they may have more in common than they realized - and sparks begin to fly.


这部2021上映的爱情片,入围2022年柏林电影节主竞赛单元,打破了近年来欧洲三大电影节主竞赛单元爱情片“零入围”的僵局,也让皮特·德路易斯在威尼斯完成了他的作品从威尼斯“地平线”、戛纳“一种关注”到柏林主竞赛的“进阶”。导演皮特·德路易斯一直关注着自己的家乡,皮特·德路易斯镜头总是盯着熟悉的家乡。即使上一部电影变成了繁华的大城市,皮特·德路易斯善于讲述残酷荒诞却不失温情的故事,电影勾勒出人们对土地的依恋、《在你心尖上起舞》现代文明与人心的矛盾。《在你心尖上起舞》在谈到老人、孩子和年轻人之后,这次皮特·德路易斯将把重点放在与村子密不可分的中年人身上。《在你心尖上起舞》延续了皮特·德路易斯导演深厚的人文关怀,演员托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond 的组合主演,新颖又富有挑战性。托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond 在影片中的表现,堪称一次突破。


《在你心尖上起舞》是一部爱情片,获得了比较好的评价,是一部很真实的电影作品,是一部很有态度的爱情片。《在你心尖上起舞》中的演员托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond 并没有太高的人气,并不是人们经常看到的演员,人们在看的时候会产生比较强烈的代入感。电影讲述了一个令人发省的故事,能够让人们引起思考。《在你心尖上起舞》主要讲述了一对农村夫妇的苦难、艰辛与奋斗,既有着人生的希望,也有着人生的绝望。电影中除了有令人感动的故事,而且还有着许多富含哲理的话,会让人们产生深刻的思考。不管是好的命运,还是坏的命运,人们都需要积极的去面对,也许有着许多不情愿,但人们会慢慢的享受这个过程。


《在你心尖上起舞》该剧剧情紧凑,《在你心尖上起舞》故事曲折,重要的是托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond 演技精湛毫不含糊,导演皮特·德路易斯也没有设计浮夸的造型和飘忽玄幻的人设。《在你心尖上起舞》自上线以来,前两集让很多抱着看大尺度爱情片心态的观众没有失望,《在你心尖上起舞》是一部绝佳不可错过的爱情片


引言:《在你心尖上起舞》这部爱情片全程高能,《在你心尖上起舞》播出后立马收获了一大批忠实剧迷,这部剧也成为了托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond 的成名作。就小编来看,《在你心尖上起舞》这是一部非常值得大家去追的爱情片。《在你心尖上起舞》这部爱情片以生动的人物形象和极尽细节的刻画,《在你心尖上起舞》看点一、前期剧情不错,剧情节奏不拖沓。《在你心尖上起舞》看点二、《在你心尖上起舞》拼的是高度还原与纪实。


《在你心尖上起舞》这部剧的题材是一部爱情片,但是《在你心尖上起舞》这部剧给大家的整体风格却是一部喜剧,丝毫没有一部爱情片的感觉,这也是大家吐槽的第一个地方,先不说这部剧《在你心尖上起舞》的主演托莉·安德森 / 本·霍灵斯沃斯 / Gardiner Millar / 赫罗斯加·马修斯 / Laura Drummond 的演技如何,光光看《在你心尖上起舞》这部剧的逻辑和节奏,就丝毫没有一部爱情片的感觉,《在你心尖上起舞》剧中最大的一个特点就是剧情过于套路化,好像所有的情节都是按照《在你心尖上起舞》剧本的发展一样,丝毫没有创新,这也与本剧的导演皮特·德路易斯密切相关的。一部好的爱情片应该有一个优秀的导演导演可以让这部剧的情节跌宕起伏,激发观众的观看兴趣。同时这部剧在开播之前也没有进行大方面的宣传导致观众对这部剧的了解非常少,《在你心尖上起舞》的热度也因此不断下降, 一部优秀的爱情片尤其是像《在你心尖上起舞》这样热度非常高的爱情片系列不应该过度地注重主角,而是要注重《在你心尖上起舞》剧情本身一部爱情片的灵魂就是这部剧的情节,如果情节中都存在瑕疵,又怎样引起观众的兴趣。



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